Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Adios 2009

Happy New Year! It has been a long time since I wrote anything here, so my apologies and thank you to those of you who read this and check in on me. I appreciate it! It has been a busy and eventful month so let me catch you up.

My precious grandfather died the week before Christmas. He was a wonderful man who was 50 when I was born and loved to tell me the story of how he flew directly to Miami from Hawaii where he and Bobbie were vacationing - to see his first grandchild. He was larger than life at 6’4” and commanded our respect. He could make you feel like the only person in the world that mattered. When I would come in the back door of their house, he would be sitting in his chair at the table or in his recliner and his voice would boom “Baaaahhhhbara Keith - how on earth are you?” Always giving a hug or a kiss - so glad to see me and interested in what was going on in my life. We spent many Sunday nights having family dinner at their house on Woodlawn - takeout from Shoneys was a huge treat. I can remember so vividly sitting on his knee chatting away. I am so blessed to have had him in my life and I am so thankful to have known him so well.

It was a sad day but a celebration of his long and wonderful life.  he had an amazing 93 years and along with my grandmother, raised 4 amazing children.  Thank you Papa, I will miss you.

So on to the cancer talk, and the setback. Five days before Christmas I went to see my plastic surgeon for a follow up after my expanders had “rested” for 6 weeks. We had been concerned about some asymmetry at the last “fill-up”. Well this problem seemed to have worsened and he determined I had “sprung a tiny leak”. Fabulous. Not dangerous, but the faulty expander had to be replaced. Surgery on December 22nd was not what I had in mind. But that is what happened. Luckily my sweet sister Happy was in town and was a enormous help along with my mom and the Elf who came over and wrapped presents with me on the 23rd in my groggy grumpy state. So, I am recovering again. Frustrated that I cannot run yet and get on with my 2010 fitness plan and that the next step in my reconstruction is delayed probably until end of March. A small setback, but a lesson in how things do not always go as planned.  (the song lyric, “if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans” comes to mind)

I am feeling good and getting my energy back thanks to having the last chemo more than a month behind me now. I have started on Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen is a drug that I will take for 5 years to inhibit estrogen in my body. Yes menopause at 42 not so fun but many in the cancer world assert that this drug (and others in its family including aromatase inhibitors) are an essential part in preventing recurrence of hormone positive breast cancers. Its side effects are not too fun and can include weight gain, bone loss, and a risk of uterine cancer; but its benefits far outweigh these so onward I go!

I have done some reading about health and how to lessen the risk of breast cancer going forward. I hope this will encourage some of you who have asked me how to reduce your risk.   One of my favorite columns is what is in and what is out in Vanity Fair so here are what is in for 2009 and what is out for 2010 (and forever for that matter)

What’s In:
Vitamin D (recent studies suggest that vitamin D is essential and if you are short of it you need a supplement of this not just an increase in it via diet and sunshine) I take it with Caltrate in a pill that looks like you ought to give it to a horse.
Exercise 5 times a week, cardio and strength work. Yeeesh. This is a lot of getting out there and finding the time will be a challenge. I have been thinking a race or some sort of goal might be motivating for me. Half marathon Las Vegas in December anyone? 
Leafy green vegetables and Folic Acid supplement: a lack of folic acid puts you at greater risk for breast cancer, plus it is suggested in Susan Love’s book that folic acid can counter-act the effect alcohol has on your risk of breast cancer. Say no more.
Anti-oxidants: green tea, acai juice, pomegranate juice, kidney beans. All found to have excellent cancer-fighting qualities.

What’s Out:
Excessive alcohol consumption. This is tricky and challenging for me and frankly a huge bummer.  The word excessive means more than 7 drinks a week.  In everything I have read, there is no denying the connection between alcohol and breast cancer, and believe me, I have tried to find some evidence that “they” are mistaken. So, I will be cutting back. 
Red meat. We like red meat, and all meat frankly, at our house. But Richard agrees that this is something we must focus on cutting way back on. Richard loves a rack of lamb and a nice pinot noir. Never say never, but we will be having them less!

Stress.  Any ideas you have on this I would appreciate. This is by far the hardest part of the resolution revolution for me. My job is stressful, my kids stress me out,  Richard’s job stresses me out. I know, you are all stressed out too so you can relate. Life in the world we live in is stressful. I am going to work on this and get back to you!

I have had an extended time at the beach after Christmas and New Year’s  with both friends and family which has been fun and incredibly healing. I have laughed until I cried on several occasions which is very cathartic. Rosemary Beach has been freezing but of course it is much colder in Nashville! 

Here’s to a New Year! 


  1. Hey Barbara Keith,
    I saw your post on Facebook today so I just found out about your cancer. I am impressed with your attitude and know that a positive attitude is key. My sister Kristin was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, but by some miracle, she is cancer free after surgery. After losing both parents to cancer, she was incredibly stubborn and refused to believe that she wouldn't soon be healthy. Continue to be beautiful; it is really what is inside that is beautiful and we do put way too much emphasis on our exterior. But like you I think I would be pretty bummed to lose my hair. I rooting for you to be a blond by summer! We do have more fun especially in France. Wish I could see you in May.

  2. Barbara,

    I am so sorry to hear about the nasty "C" but so grateful to hear that you are doing OK. I have so many fond memories of our summers together. I pray for your recovery and when I walk in Relay for Life this year I will thank God for your remission and long life!!
    I love you <3
    Jo Ann

  3. This brings to mind a quote a read a few years ago:
    "I know a man who gave up drinking, good food, and sex. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself... Johnny Carson.

  4. BK, sorry to hear about your set back with the expander. Tamoxophen is no fun. Thanks for your strong sweet spirit. Keep going!!!

  5. Love your eloquence in describing Uncle Mack ... he will be missed. Wish I knew the secret to reducing stress, too, but perhaps this blog is one way of "getting it out"... something I need to work on, too!
    Love you and continue to keep you in my prayers.

  6. I'm so glad to hear that chemo is behind you! And I just pray that things get easier for you. As for stress - BE POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE. I have heard, as I'm sure you have as well, that the right attitude is better than a lot of the medicines out there, due to the physical reactions our bodies have to stress and negativity. To that end, a fish tank. A fish tank! Did you know that watching fish in a fish tank is perscribed for people with a lot of stress in their lives? Strange but true =)

    When I lived in San Fran and had already planned of moving to Boston, I used to watch this live cam every day to tide me over (no pun intended) - it was very peaceful...to that I can attest.


    Praying for you and so glad to know about your blog!

    - C

  7. Nevermind on the acquarium link - this is way better! New puppies!


    If you don't know the story already:
    Last year the mama pup gave birth to five puppies which the owners monitored from a web cam while they were at work. Needless to say, the link got passed around and it became a world-wide phenom until the pups were all adopted. This January brought us a whole new litter! Weeee! Good bye work, hello PUPPY CAM!! They are not as much fun right now cause they are newborns, but when they get a few weeks older HOLY HILARIOUS....best. site. ever.

  8. Hey BK,

    I haven't looked at your blog in a while and just thought to when you were kind enough to comment on mine. You're so inspiring, and I appreciate your "What's In" and "What's Out." I really need to cut back on the wine and red meat consumption, and I definitely need more Vitamin D, folic acid, etc. My first "baseline" mammogram needs to be scheduled soon. I'm now more compelled than ever to get it done. Thank you. I know your strength and spirit will get you through this as they have thus far.
